
by | Oct 5, 2022

Earthing (grounding) is nothing new. It has been around for centuries, traditionally used by many cultures as a form of medicine to overcome a range of illnesses. Throughout the modern era, we have lost this traditional knowledge and our primordial connection to the land. 

Earthing offers us the connection to Mother Earth, whilst feeding us healing energy that nurtures and balances our physiological responses, creating a healthier body. 

This is due to the natural negative electric charge of the surface of the Earth that transfers free electrons into the body. This restores and balances our inner electrical environment, which aids in modulating biochemical processes, helping to prevent and overcome illnesses. 

Earthing is simple, easy and free. The most effective way is to walk or sit with bare feet on the earth for 20-30mins a day.

This could be sitting outside bare feet in a nearby park on your lunch break, walking on the beach or just sitting in your backyard after work with your feet on the grass. A few other ways to connect to the Earth’s healing energy is to be in amongst nature, for example hiking, forest bathing, swimming in the ocean or a lake or touching the bark and leaves of a tree.

A few health benefits of Earthing: 

  • Reduces and prevents inflammation & pain: Free radicals are positively charged molecules that strip electrons from healthy tissues. This then results in tissue damage. When we Earth, we are allowing free electrons to be transferred from the Earth into our body’s, which neutralises the damaging free radicals. The influx of free electrons from Earthing is the ultimate anti-inflammatory medicine that our body’s need to curb acute and chronic inflammation and pain.
  • Reduces stress: Connecting with the Earth has a fast-acting calming affect on our nervous system, which switches us from our sympathetic nervous system (‘fight or flight’) to our parasympathetic nervous system (‘rest and digest’). This alleviates feelings of stress and overwhelm, which improves overall mood, lowers blood pressure and helps to normalise the stress hormone cortisol. 
  • Improves sleep: Earthing has a profound impact on our sleep, as it allows us to sleep deeper and longer without disruption, to fall asleep quicker and to feel refreshed upon waking in the morning. It does this by firstly reducing inflammation and pain that may be keeping us awake at night and secondly by stabilising cortisol levels within the body. This helps the body to resynchronise cortisol hormone secretion with the natural 24-hour circadian rhythm. This realignment with the circadian rhythm reduces morning fatigue and improves overall daytime energy. 

Earthing is a traditional form of natural medicine that is free to all of us. It not only helps us to feel better and healthier day to day, but it also allows us to connect back to nature and to the land that we live upon. 


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