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Earthing (grounding) is nothing new. It has been around for centuries, traditionally used by many cultures as a form of medicine to overcome a range of illnesses. Throughout the modern era, we have lost this traditional knowledge and our primordial connection to the land.

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Gut – Brain Axis

Gut – Brain Axis

To understand our own gut microbiome, lets look at where it comes from. When we’re just little blobs in our mother’s womb our brain’s are exposed to our mother’s microbes and when we are born, our gut microbiota is shaped by our mother’s vaginal microbiota.

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The Water Element

The Water Element

Within Traditional Chinese Medicine philosophy water is the first element of the five element cycle, giving life to all things to arise and dissolve. It is the energy of receiving and giving. Embodying the qualities of water within one’s self allows for present awareness and a pathway to feel into the ‘fluid body’.

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A Naturopathic Perspective: Post Viral Syndrome

A Naturopathic Perspective: Post Viral Syndrome

Post Viral Syndrome (also known as Post Viral Fatigue Syndrome) refers to any lingering and persisting symptoms after a viral infection. It is often a difficult condition to diagnose and treat as people experience symptoms very different to one another. The most common symptoms that people report are feelings of fatigue and of generally feeling unwell, no matter how much sleep they are getting or how well they look after themselves.

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A Naturopathic Perspective: Bacterial Vaginosis

A Naturopathic Perspective: Bacterial Vaginosis

Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is an infection caused by an imbalance of the bacteria normally present in the vagina causing vaginal itching, inflammation and irritation. BV is a very common condition affecting many women and can reoccur many many times, if the vaginal microbiome isn’t treated.

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